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Satan Speaks!
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Product details
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Feral House; 1st edition (September 1, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780922915668
ISBN-13: 978-0922915668
ASIN: 0922915660
Product Dimensions:
5.5 x 0.4 x 8.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.2 out of 5 stars
68 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#241,213 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
While l am a fan of this and all of Anton Lavey's books, this one would probably be my least favourite. He goes off on a few rabbit trails and rambles a bit, sometimes to the point that you're not totally sure what he means. Still, there is plenty of knowledge and insight to be taken from Satan Speaks. lt was written when LaVey was an old man close to death, which means you get his final, most complete view of the given topics near the end of his life experience. Cynicism and sarcasm abound, as well as his trademark dark humour.
I've only just cracked it open and by the second essay I was feeling elated! This promises to be some of LaVeys best work. Upon reading "To: All Doomsayers...etc." I found myself getting more and more emotionally charged with each sentence. Nodding vigorously in agreement and say "yes! Yes!" With each statement. By the end I was practically jumping up and down and shouting "YES! HAIL SATAN!" I can't wait to get through the rest of this. So far, it's much better than the Devil's Notebook.
When I read this book, for some reason it makes me think about Anton packing his bags and saying "I'm done here." Especially the first few essays, when he talks about the apocalypse and how it's exactly how Christian America made it to be. I'm not sure exactly what this thought means, being as I don't believe in an afterlife. Perhaps his death was a departure from reality and then his vitality was transformed into our fond memories of him.Mr. La Vey was a very opinionated man and this work reflects that. It's as casual as a book can ever be and is funny too. I especially like the essay on how he dislikes music played in stereo rather than with a single speaker. I swear, he's the only person I've known who dislikes stereo. I own the Satanic Bible and have read it many times, despite being scared of it when I first bought it. Of all the books Anton wrote, I would give this one to people who are interested in Satanism but don't know where to start.
Here LaVey offers his opinions on a wide variety of subjects including social politics, sex, personal hygiene, social conventions, and life in general. Here he presents his opinions often with tongue in cheek humor. Some of his essays are utterly hilarious. Yet, he is often quite serious.LaVey hated pompousness, arrogance, and self righteousness and all throughout his writings he rips into these with a visciousness and rage that could only come from the devil. Having a high opinion of oneself is one thing, but that form of counterproductive, haughty self righteousness was what he hated most, what he called "The Goodguy Badge."His essay on stereo was interesting, "Stereo, Scam of the Century." When you read this essay, you might find yourself saying, "Hey, he's got a point." They introduced stereo not to improve the quality of music, but just to sell more record players and playing systems. And how many people really know the difference between a stereo recording and a mono recording of a piece of music anyway? Most of the time they are standing or sitting too far away from the speakers and not between them to even notice the difference.I myself prefer stereo since I usually do actually sit between the speakers. But I am quite different from most people. And sometimes I have actually noticed that some music really does sound better in mono than in stereo because the sound actually does tend to blend together.Reading and laughing at his essays, I often think, "He's got a point. I've seen that myself."Agree with his opinions or disagree, you will have fun reading this book, and learn a few things from an old carny.
It's pretty obvious that Anton LaVey is a genius. If you read his essays he basically solves all of the problems that no one could ever figure out and he explains things in a way that even slightly intelligent people can understand. One essay in particular explains how some of the most ridiculously behaved people's behavior can be explained by something like itchy skin, and he does it by examining a Tasmanian Devil. You seriously wish you were as awesome as he was way before you were conceived. If you read this book you deserve a thumbs up.
This book is profoundly disappointing. I was expecting some kind of interesting or challenging ideas from the essays in this book but LaVey sounds like someone's lonely, doddering grandpa who wants the kids these days to know about his opinions on mundane topics. I'm sure this book comes highly recommended from all of his friends at the senior center but it just isn't worth the money.
I am not a Satanist. LaVeyen satanism requires putting ones self above all else, which I cannot do. That being said, LaVey writes well and makes many good points. He was a rebel dedicated to the non-popular, against fleeting fads, and exercises the importance of the individual. He writes with humor, sarcasm and represents the views of the disenfranchised.
and a real inside perspective on the author, if not always coherent. Some times he makes sense, sometimes he doesn't...sometimes he's really showing his age and times he comes from, sometimes he's forward thinking. He isn't necessarily "Satanic" in my opinion (but neither am I), but I always enjoy reading what went on in this man's mind.
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